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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Game # 50 Rocks, Papers, Scissorses

Multiplayer game

Rule # 1 Everyone playing must stand in a circle.
Rule # 2 At the same time everyone plays rock, paper, scissors with both hands. Your left hand is competing the persons right hand that is standing on your left and your right hand is competing with the left hand of the person standing on your right.
Rule # 3 You keep track of your own wins and the first person to 10 wins.
Rule # 4 You most get exactly 10 to win if you go over you do not get points for that round.
Rule #5 In the event of a tie at ten points. Everyone who is tied moves on and the first one to take a lead wins.

Authors: Kirk Perry, Darren Croswell, Aaron Perry, Mark Croswell, Conal Cosgrove

Banned from this game: Anyone who doesn't know how to play rock, paper, scissors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, being locked alone in a closet for most of my childhood comes back to haunt me...

12:16 PM  

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