Game # 7 Who's Dumber?
Multiplayer Game
Items Needed: A notepad, a pen
Rule # 1 Decide who is going to be playing.
Rule # 2 Begin recording the really dumb things you do.
Rule # 3 After a period of time decide who is dumber.
Tim - "We should bring some firewood with us in case we can't find any in the woods."
Darren - Leading out an 8 in cribbage. "24" (It was his first game)
Kirk - "Yes I trust you Laura I know you wouldn't want to hurt me"
Authors: Tim Branscombe, Darren Croswell
Items Needed: A notepad, a pen
Rule # 1 Decide who is going to be playing.
Rule # 2 Begin recording the really dumb things you do.
Rule # 3 After a period of time decide who is dumber.
Tim - "We should bring some firewood with us in case we can't find any in the woods."
Darren - Leading out an 8 in cribbage. "24" (It was his first game)
Kirk - "Yes I trust you Laura I know you wouldn't want to hurt me"
Authors: Tim Branscombe, Darren Croswell
Kirk is clearly dumber-est in this one. trusting a nemesis...sheesh!
I KNOW I would be awesome @ that game.
I bet I would win everytime
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